Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Welcome Home: The Grand Purpose Of The Foyer

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Nothing inside a luxury house says “Welcome Home” to both residents and guests better than the foyer. The first step through the front door transitions visitors from the outside to the interiors, a radically different view from the outside. A well-designed foyer, thus, is essential to creating a good first impression of the house.

There are many routes to go in designing the foyer; the space can be of a quaint and cozy design, or vibrant and eclectic. The foyer, though, ultimately shares the personality of the resident, setting the mood of the entire house. It should therefore be inviting and at the same time intriguing. The practicality of the design should also be considered because it is a high-traffic area, with numerous guests passing it frequently enough.

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The design and development of a luxury home, both the exterior and interior elements, should be placed in the hands of trusted and experienced firms, such as ALTA Development. Its CEO, Dr. Sassan Kimiavi, is an accomplished entrepreneur, and technical and business professional. He grew a successful and reputable Federal government technology contractor that boasted 225 employees and an annual revenue of $42 million before selling the company in 2012.

Dr. Sassan Kimiavi of Bethesda, Maryland, has firsthand knowledge of the processes involved in developing grand luxury homes. He has worked side-by-side with project architects and construction managers. Through his involvement, Dr. Kimiavi has established relationships with building material suppliers and other construction subcontractors. Read more about him by visiting this Facebook page.